Thursday 13 November 2014

Weekly News: 13 Nov 2014

Competitive hurling has come to an end for this season and so, our attention turns to the administrative end of things. Preparation for next season, putting officers and committees in place, assigning the various tasks necessary to run the Club, fundraising etc. With that in mind the Club AGM is on next Friday the 21st at 8:30 in the Clubhouse main hall and all members are encouraged to attend. Sincere thanks to everyone who did help out this season, from those working week in week out with the various teams, to those in supporting roles, administration, pitch maintenance etc, to those who worked on the Clubhouse renovations recently, those who just lent a helping hand on occasion or turned out to support the teams. It all helps, it is all necessary for a healthy Club and it is all greatly appreciated. But most of all thanks to all the players from U6 to senior who put in the hours of training and who left their sweat and blood on pitches the length and breadth of the County in 2014.
Our Last Man Standing fundraiser is on going with just 97 players left at this stage, there are no fixtures this weekend due to the International break.
Our Club Shop is closed at the moment, but will reopen before Christmas for anyone wishing to buy Club merchandise.